West Virginia Ranks #1 in October 2014 for UFO Sightings

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 The skies over West Virginia were seemingly flooded with aerial phenomenon in October. It seemed liked every other day I was reading in the headlines about yet another sighting and oddly enough, peoples stories were corroborating with each others.

MUFON put West Virginia at a rating of #1 in the nation last month. That's the highest rating MUFON can give a state on a per-monthly basis. West Virginia had 12 reported sightings in just that one month alone. Nine of them actually were current, leaving three to have happened anywhere from a couple months ago to last year at this time. The calcuations on those nine reports by MUFON is 4.85 sightings per million population. For reasons unclear, Marmet, W.V. and Morgantown, W.V. sorta became hotspots. The majority of the reports were of a triangular craft, outlined in white lights. The center of the craft appeared to be emitting a red light from the center and flash time to time.

But the triangular crafts weren't the only thing being seen in the sky. One of the credible witnesses caught a cigar-shaped craft with what appeared to be two "bat-like" wings with one located at the front and one in the rear. The second type of object was commonly sighted as a "white orb" that appeared to dance around the sky erradically coming to a stop from time to time. The third was actually of three objects in a formation. A single circular shaped object was at the front on its own wth no lights. The two objects that followed were diamond shaped and they had blinking lights on them.

The more the sightings were being posted, the more my investigative nature started to kick in. So by the weekend of October 23rd, I was convinced that maybe I should try my luck and take the two hour drive south to see if I could get a glimpse of what people were catching in the skies. I finally decided to get my stuff together and take off. The weather was good and the skies were supposed to be clear.

When I got across the W.V. state line I started looking for a good spot to pull over and get a good panoramic view of the sky. I sat there for a few hours and I did manage to see your occasional satellite, I.S.S., and random meteors but no UFO sightings. So I decided to ride down the road a bit to see if I could find any locals to talk to. Eventually, I got lucky at this little rest stop where I ended up getting 14 people to talk to me. After asking them all a few questions, careful not to press my luck, because I did have plans of coming back believe it or not! I found that 90 percent of them were fully aware of the recent sightings going on throughout most of the state. Of that 90 percent, the majority of them did believe in the UFO phenomenon and the chance of life outside of planet Earth. Although, the entire 90 percent except for one person, stated that even if they did see a UFO or related event they would not report it. And why?, the people were afraid of ridicule from the rest of the locals. This way of viewing things was really popular from the 50's clear on up until the 80's. Luckily now studies show that people are actually more open-minded now thankfully! The remaining 10 percent did not hear anything of the recent sightings and also were not popular with the idea of reporting it and being ridiculed.

UFO Panel at American University Doesn't Disappoint

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      Abramson Recital Hall at American University in Washington held a UFO panel discussion on November 12th, 2014. The title of the event, UFOs-Encounters by Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials, was actually taken from New York Times best selling book by Leslie Kean, UFOs- Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go on Record. The event was based on the honors colloquium, Alien Contact: Science and Science Fiction by professor and  filmmaker John Weiskopf. (At the right, where the panel took place) 

     The UFO panel was made up some of the ufology fields prominent researchers and actual witnesses. Investigative journalist and best selling author Leslie Kean, former NASA scientist and co-founder of National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomolous Phenomenon (NARCAP), one of the witnesses to the Rendlesham Forest Incident, retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Charles Halt, and Thomas Carey, Roswell researcher and co-author of a couple books with researcherand partner Dan Schmitt.

     The event brought out a near-capacity crowd and incredible testimony and evidence from the panel's researchers. All four brought a significant amount of information to the many people in attendance. A reporter from WTOP, a radion station from the area states, "The most riveting presentation of the night came from retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Charles Halt, one of the witnesses of a famous series of UFO sightings in England in 1980 known as the Rendlesham Forest Incident." And I'm sure Colonel Halt did not disappoint. I've read his testimony many times and it is quite riveting to say the least if you've never read it before. But, Thomas Carey made a statement and claim that if true, may very well bring some light to a very dark tunnel of mystery thats been dark for way too long! 

     Tom Carey states,"We have came into possession of a couple of Kodachrome color slides of an alien being lying in a glass case."

     Casey further explains, "Whats interesting is, the film is dated 1947. We took it to the official historian of Kodak up in Rochester, New York, and he did his due dilligence on it, and he said yes, this filmstrip, the slides are from 1947 stock. And from the emulsions on the image, it's not something thats been photoshopped like today. It's original 1947 images, and it shows an alien whos been partially dissected lying in a case." Tom Casey goes on to explain. "The being looked like what an alien from the famous Roswell incident should look like. Three and a half to four feet tall.

The head is almost insect-like. The head has been severed and there's been a partial autopsy; the innards have been removed and we believe the cadaver has been embalmed, at least at the time the picture was taken. The owners of the slide- it's an amazing story. The woman is high-powered lawyer from Midland, Texas with a pilots license. We think she was involved in intelligence in World War Two, and her husband was a Geologist for a oil company." Tom Carey says he plans to reveal to images next year.

     Dr. Richard Haines has collected hundreds of UFO cases at NARCAP. " We're pretty ignorant yet about what were dealing with. And that's the birth of Science. That's how most sciences begin." he claims. " Our government is not taking the subject seriously. My role, or mission, if you will, is to bring this to the attention of our aviation world, at the union level, at the airline level. I'm finding hardly any difficulty doing that in foreign countries. I'm having a great deal of difficulty in America, and I don't know why?" 

     I tend to agree with Dr. Haines. And as far as the Kodak film from 1947, Casey says he's going to release the images next year. I'm sorry, but I don't like the sound of that. We will all be anxiously waiting, don't get me wrong, bu why not now? I know more people than myself are thinking the same thing right now. We will see I suppose.

The Bremen Ufo incident.. 3 videos

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The Bremen Ufo incident

We Are Not Alone.  Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/616862595007486/

Link to the images from Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/616862595007486/permalink/795484070478670/


January 6  The airport in Bremen had to shut down and cancel flights, after they between 06.30 pm til 09.00 pm several times have seen an unidentified object on their radar.



This one in german .






The airport said on monday night that the ufo showed up on its radar several times over three hours from 06.30 pm to 09.30 pm

Police said in a statement that they were alerted at 6.30pm about a UFO over Bremen and a patrol car also saw the object.

A police helicopter was sent up to try and find the UFO but could not, although the Weser Kurier newspaper reported it could be seen through binoculars from the airport's traffic control tower.

The helicopter search was called off at 8.45pm, according to the police statement.

Øjebliksbillede 3 11-01-2014 00-00 zoomBrenem

Officers are now investigating the case on grounds of unauthorized intrusion into controlled air space.

A spokeswoman for German Air Traffic Control (DFS) said: “It had normal lights, red and green, and an approach light on both sides," the Weser Kurier reported.

Eyewitness Dominique Höber told the paper the object was flying at between 100 and 200 metres and passed over his house four times.

“It looked like a plane,” he said. “It had lights but was a lot louder.”


collage Bremen

A flight from Frankfurt had to be cancelled and a second flight from Munich was diverted to Hannover.

Another plane coming from Paris had to stay airborne for a while before it could land.

A Bremen police spokesman said. “We still don’t know what it was, but it was there.” Possible explanations are that it was a drone or a balloon-like aircraft.  article Quote from :  The Local..  German news in english.

Link to the article .



Please check out the Facebookgroup Wana We Are Not Alone.  


 Pictures shown here are all screenshots from Youtube vidoes of the Bremen incident. processed and analysed by Thomas Mikey (Wana)



Mining On Asteroid EROS Found By NASA NEAR Spacecraft?

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Youtube User: whatsupinthesky37 - EROS - Video 1: This series will focus on the Asteroid EROS and its amazing features for such a small celestial object.  From the NEAR Spacecraft images I have found many structures and what look to be remnants of an a ancient mining operation on the asteroid.  I am starting with the most famous of the pictures that made a PIA-Numbered picture. (Featured NASA Photo) Please stay tuned for the upcoming EROS videos!  Much love to you all please let me know what you think! As always I provide you the link..

NASA LINK: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA02905

Was Alien Spaceship Photographed By Gemini V Mission?

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Youtube User: whatsupinthesky37 -This is another photo I have been meaning to come back across and get out to you all!  There are SO many amazing things in this picture I am going to go with the mundane one just to get it out there and tease the people who have been giving me a hard time about the first helmet I found ;)  More to follow on this one.  You all know who you are.. My friends please send me anything you see in this as well! 

As always here is the link to the NASA photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA06917

Featured Article Of The Week:

Click Here To View Article / Video / Enhanced Images

YouTube User:  WhatsUpInTheSky37 

Thank you to everyone who has stuck by the YouTube channel and to all of our admins and forum users here on the channel.   They really have kept the website current while I have been busy taking care of things in my personal life.   I promised that the next video would be a long one and have a LOT to look at.  You can get lost in these Gigapans and I really hope that you do!  I spent a lot of time stitching these together and making sure that they were the best quality that I could get them.  SOL 1448 really has been a goldmine for anomaly hunters and those people who are just hobbiest.  I really hope you enjoy this one and expect much more to come from the latest batches of images!



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