Comet 67P-Your Premier Space Travel Taxi Service

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Well we all knew that it was just a matter of time before the conspiracy theories started, and man, have they ever.

From the Apollo 11 mission taking place in a Hollywood studio, to even life on Mars, everyone claims they know whats going on, especially after the fact. And everyone is entitled to believe what they want, I have no problem with that. Things tend to get carried away at times though and sometimes people should maybe base decisions on facts and not what someone else tells them to believe. Ever since ESA landed Philae on Comet 67P, everyone has been suspicious. And you know, I admit it is a little strange how a company will just throw billions of dollars and ten years of work just to get a few pictures of what we already knew about anyway. But recently, an Email was sent to, a site that deals in UFO and alien sightings as well as conspiracy theories. The Email allegedly comes from an ESA employee or "whistleblower" if you must. This employee accuses the ESA agency of repeated cover-ups that go back further than comet 67P. The employee quotes, "Do not think for one moment that a space agency would suddenly decide to spend billions of dollars to build and send a spacecraft on a 12-year journey to simply take some close-up images of a randomly picked out comet floating in space." "Comet 67P is NOT a comet," the Email further explains. "Some twenty years ago Nasa began detecting radio bursts from an unknown origin out in space. It would later be known that these signals had come from the direction of the now named Comet 67P. It does show signs of machine-like parts and unnatural terrain."

The Email ends with,"whatever the object is, it did ot ask to be found or scrutinized."

Now some have stated that these signals detected from Comet 67P are a "greeting" to humans. Others also feel that if it is alien, they would not have left Philae land on it. However, hypothetically, if I was piloting an alien craft disguised as a comet in deep space, my course of action would be simple. Let the foreign object thats been coming toward me for years land on my craft, and then once it has, take it inside the craft in hopes of learning just where exactly it comes from and what the intent of the machine is. Better to know who's knocking at your door rather than underestimate it and be completely clueless. But hey, who the heck am I?

ArtAlienTV on YouTube recently posted a video showing a building-like structure like a monastery. BPEarthwatch, another YouTube channel also posted images from Rosetta supposedly showing two UFOs flying around the Comet 67P along with a transmission tower like object on its surface. As of right now, all ESA will admit is that it is a comet that has been emitting a "mystery song" first detected 20 years ago. I'll be the first to admit that anything is possible. And deep down, 'd be thrilld to find out that comet 67P isn't really a comet but yet something much more suspicious. However, the terms in which this mystery ESA employee revealed his claims are dubious at best. Out of all the places he could've chose to reveal this information, he picks a site that maybe isn't as official or equipped to reveal such information and have be taken completely serious. I'm in no way taking anything away from there sight, I just can see better roads taken in order to reveal this info.

(Above a picture of Comet 67P and a supposed UFO sending a transmission. Credit:



Swedish Musician has "Sit Down" with UFO Journalist Lee Speigel

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If at some point in the past couple years you've been into the Swedish club scene or the music that can be heard there, then you may recognize this musician. Just recently, Rolling Stone Magazine had Huffington Post UFO Journalist Lee Speigel, and Swedish singer/rapper Elliphant come together for a one of a kind interview at the Rolling Stone Studio in New York City. This is not your average interview though, usually Lee would be the man asking the questions for his articles or books or whatever he may be doing at the time. But this is not the case, Elliphant had floor this time to ask Lee his thoughts on the UFO subject.

( Elliphant pictured above. Credit: Google)
It's no secret that Elliphant is an avid UFO believer. In fact, shes quoted as saying," I look up at the sky for UFOs every chance I get." She made it quite clear though that she wanted to interview an important staple in Ufology and that she had many questions to be answered. Lee Speigel is definetly that. Both of them being charismatic, this was bound to get interesting. So, Rolling Stone got the two together in there own studio and let the good times roll!
Elliphant kicks it off by asking Lee if he believes in Extraterrestrials? Of course, Lee answers "yes" but with further explanation. "If you're really asking me, do I think some of them may be visiting earth? I would say, yes." "I believe they have been here for a very long time." "I believe it is possible we were created by them."
This goes on for awhile longer and it definetly seems as though some footage was edited out. I wasn't sure though, but a few others also state it was "heavily edited", I then felt much better about actually writing it. But of course the comment thats gained this interview so much noise in the media came while they discussed whether E.T. life is capable of love and so on. To that in which Elliphant states,"she wants to be the first girl to have an alien baby." Lee whitingly replies, "you may have to get in line!" And in fact, thats probably true. A number of people over the years have wanted the same thing. Im sure to this day there are some people out there that would jump at the chance.
We spend the majority of our time as serious researchers and Ufology enthusiast. I've learned over time that nothing is more important than to have accurate information at all times and maintain a level of trust with colleagues. This article was not mean't to poke fun at Ufology obviously. Rather, I wanted to post this to lighten up the serious mood before we all start the hectic holiday. Also, I've noticed that we have some musicians here at Not only myself, but I know Will is into music as im sure others are as well. So anytime the Ufology field crosses the music scene, it has my attention. Music is a universal language, and I believe it always will be.
  (Elliphant and Lee in the Rolling Stone Magazine studio. Credit:Google)

The Citizen Hearing Initiative

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Have you ever heard of the Hearing on Citizen Disclosure? If you haven't, it was an event held on April 9th to May 3rd, 2013, at the National Press Club in Washington D.C.. The hearing brought 40+ researchers and military/agency witnesses in front of former members of congress to bring to there attention all the evidence and events that point towards how Extraterrestrials are interacting with the human race.

Stephen Basset was the event organizer and of course there were some in the media making jokes out of his efforts. But the researchers, witnesses, journalist, and all else involved in the Ufology field, were proud to have someone like Basset bringing such an event to light. Basset actually received the Researcher of the Year Award at last years International UFO Congress.

(Picture of Stephen Basset. Credit: Facebook)

Now, Stephen Basset is starting what he calls "phase two" of the movement, called The Citizen Hearing Initiative. Ultimately, he would like one of the main results of this phase to make the president admit that the government is aware of the E.T. presence on earth. On November 5th, 2014, The Paradigm Research Groups lobbyist Stephen Basset sent out 538 copies of a 10-disc DVD set including all the testimony from the Citizen Hearing in 2013 to every member of the U.S. Congress. Supporters of his cause are asked to engage members of Congress via social media requesting them to view the videos and then hold congressional hearings on the "Extraterrestrial related phenomenon." Basset says, "This will be a concentrated 3-month effort accompanied by substantial media coverage. If congressional hearings are held, its quite likely the truth embargo will collapse." Basset also hopes that his supporters will start what he calls a, "Tweet-email storm." He believes that such an event needs to go on for at least thirty days, with emphasis of the first ten days.

The testimonials given on The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure are phenomenal. Many different witnesses with highly credible backgrounds tell there stories. You can find the video in its entirity at or if you would like to read more of this subject you can visit

Possible UFO / Light Orb Filmed Over Alphen Aan De Rijn Neatherlands - Viewer Request

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A strange sight over the skies near Amsterdam this past Friday November 21, 2014 was caught by a family member of a subscriber named Desi of the website  I only make videos about UFO's or ORB's when they have been sent to me by someone that I personally have had contact with in the past and/or I believe the footage to be 100 percent real and unedited by anyone at anytime.  I am not sure what we are looking at here.  It is rather strange to say the least.  It could very well be a toy airplane or drone but it sure looks to be the same white orbs that are showing up all over the world in videos on YouTube and social networking websites such as Facebook.   

Please take the time to comment below and let Desi and our viewers know what you think this is or if you care to share your story with us about a time that you saw a UFO or ORB please do!

YouTube User:  WhatsUpInTheSky37


Thank you to Desi who sent this video of a possible UFO in the skies over a city near Amsterdam.  We want to know what you think this phenomenon is?  I am sure some can easily be explained.  We have seen this time and time again now.  I believe this footage is 100 percent authentic and was not created with any software.  Would you like to see more UFO videos?  Let me know below!   Much love...

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Thank you for taking your time to read this article and even if you do not agree with my findings I still hope that you enjoyed the video!  A thank you is also in store to everyone who has helped with the spacial images and has spent their time researching these taboo subjects so we can all move forward with more information and understanding.  If you have a space image or something else related that you would like analyzed feel free to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit for more contact information and more space anomalies. 

Will Farrar – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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UFOs and Nukes, How a World Superpower was Brought to its Knees in Seconds

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Just recently my research has brought me to cross paths with UFOs and the havoc they've reaked on the United States and other Nuclear facilities all over the world. But what I already know the subject, and actually further learned this week, is by far just as scary as it ever has been.


One of the more well known cases but just as serious is Hanford Atomic Energy plant in Washington state. The plant started getting weird sightings and even incident involving nuclear missile silos. In a government document from 1950 relased in the 1970s, it describes objects round in form sighted over the plant. It started happening so much that the plant alerted the F.B.I., the military, and other departments to help get down to the meaning of the problem. Anti-Aircraft Battalions were alerted, fighter jets were scrambled but never caught up to anything, it just left everyone baffled and scared. I mean they just witnessed an unknown force come in and do exactly what it wanted to and then left when it wanted to, and noone could do anything about it. It definetly did not stop there!


(Oak Ridge Facility)

Between 1949-1950, Oak Ridge Nuclear Facility in Tenessee had a flood of UFO sightings and events that involved the actual facilities security. And also just to note, three months aftere the Hanford Facility incident, The Oak Ridge Diffusion Plant played a key role in the Manhattan Project. At 2325 E.T. October 12th, 1950, the facility started getting a flurry of activity. Eleven objects and maybe more were witnessed and caught on radar at CPS-1 A.F. Radar Station at McGhee-Tyson Airport, Knoxville, T.N.. The objects appeared in the North edge of Oak Ridge control area and headed South. AFOSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigations) scrambled F-82 fighters five minutes after the Echoes were seen on radar, the jets were airbore by 2339. One fighter appeared to intercept one of the objects on ground radar but the crew in the jet could not see the object on there radar screens. This went on for awhile, it got to the point where guards were actually bring there lawnchairs and sit outside at there post or one of the buildings and actually watch these objects come into the base and hover or fly around, basically whatever they wanted to do. The bottom line is here we are again, these UFOs came in to just do what they want. At Malstrom in Montana, one of these crafts ultimately shut down 16 of the ICBMs in there silos. Somehow the craft sent a signal in that disabled the Guidance and Control systems on these missiles. A team of scientists tried to duplicate the problem and they couldn't. The wire that needs to be penetrated supposedly had some sort of protective shielding around it, thats supposed to render the wire protected from any outside signal.

In more recent developments, researcher Richard Dolan told of a cases that were rather interesting. Richard Dolan will always have my respect. He speaks of a case that a man describes actually living. The older man describes an operation by the name of Operation Dominque. This operation allegedly took place in the Pacific near Hawaii around 1962. What it was expected to achieve was to set off a bunch of Nuclear weapons in our Stratosphere! Just in 1960 alone, 36 Nuclear bombs were set off alone...36!!! And the whole in the O-zone is from what again exactly!!?? wow...staggering to say the least. Since 1945, 2,000 Nuclear detonations have occured in or around our Stratosphere! Now it does not take a genius to think and realize just what that may do to our land and waters, but most importantly look what its sending out into space. Even at that time we were doing a pretty good job of messing up everything thats sacred and magnificent about our world and all that surrounds it!

Triangles, Triangles, Everywhere! What is going on??

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Triangular craft are some of the most reported objects in the sky still to this day! This phenomenon has gone back Roman times, maybe even before I'm sure. The United States is filled with UFO reports, almost daily. But just what are we seeing, could it be our technology either derived from E.T. technology, or just our technology? Maybe Extraterrestrial in itself? Maybe both? Based on evidence reaching far back into time, all of the above could be accurate.

(Artist rendering of triangle witnessed over the U.K. (Credit: Wikipedia)

From just November 1st 2014 until November 17th, MUFON has had reports 23 sightings of triangular craft alone! I know for a fact some of these cases have good video evidence and good descriptions from credible witnesses. On November 5th, 2014, MUFON case number(#61353) has a gentleman driving south on 475 in the Toledo, Ohio area. Just before he reaches the underpass for the Ohion Turnpike, he noticed something in the sky that by his words," was very hard to miss!" He explains further.

"I saw what I first thought was a plane about the size of a Lear Jet flying way too low across the highway. It was impossible not to see it!" "It had three white lights, one at each end and one in the middle- about five to eight feet above the others. It didn't have strobe lights or any sound that I could hear." As the object began to leave his field of view, he began to notice one more important detail. "I saw what appeared to be a rectangular panel of solid, bright red lights made up of six to eight panels all butted up together. I was now quite certain I saw something that was no aircraft as we know them." Unfortunately he could not get a picture of the craft. But that was far from the only time a triangle showed up over the area.

On November 2nd, 2014, a CE-5 group organized an outting in the Auburn Hills/Rochester Michigan area. MUFON case #61223. The group met up at one of the members houses before they take a trip out to the viewing area. While they were getting loaded up to go, they noticed how clear the sky was, how good it would be to see. The moon they say was at about 70% full. As they arrive at there viewing spot, they look up at sky and couldn't help but to notice three chemtrails already across the sky as they get there equipment out and squared away. By the time they get the equipment up and recording, they notice the sky has now fifteen chemtrails blanketing the sky. They claim the process of showing up at the site and then getting ready couldn't have taken more than fifteen minutes.

The group has there recording equipment armed with night vision rolling, about 30 minutes into the session they get action.  A triangular craft comes into their field of view from the North heading in a Southerly direction. You could see a light at each of its corners. The elevation was estimated at approx. several thousand feet. The group did not see anything the rest of the evening. Once the gentleman got home that caught the triangle, he went back over the film he had recorded and found another enomoly. He saw two more objects in the video. They appear to come in at parallel trajectories to the tirangle. He says he didnt see the two objects initially when he recorded it, you can see where he pans away just as the two objects come into screen. See the live video below.

I've done some more research since i wrote this article last week. Just in Pennsylvania their has been several sightings of the another triangle shaped object, alot of the witnesses describe similiar parts on the object and the descriptions given mostly have the same style of flight. Needless to say I am a believer, however, the chances of most of these sightings being military a very good. But I definetly don't think a military triangular craft is the explanation for all sightings! Some of the cases are near where I live in P.A. so I'm gonna do all I can to gather as much evidence I can to get a better grip on what is exactly being tested or visiting us. So far it hasn't seem to have any interest in who's seeing it and what it gets seen doing, I'd like to see it NOT go any further until we know what we're seeing!

Credits: These 2 cases and many more concerning this subject.

   First picture of UFO from U.K.

   For becoming my E.T. news and information site twice a day.  

For more information on the cases listed above and alot more complete with pictures or videos, please visit the above link for 

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YouTube User:  WhatsUpInTheSky37 

Thank you to everyone who has stuck by the YouTube channel and to all of our admins and forum users here on the channel.   They really have kept the website current while I have been busy taking care of things in my personal life.   I promised that the next video would be a long one and have a LOT to look at.  You can get lost in these Gigapans and I really hope that you do!  I spent a lot of time stitching these together and making sure that they were the best quality that I could get them.  SOL 1448 really has been a goldmine for anomaly hunters and those people who are just hobbiest.  I really hope you enjoy this one and expect much more to come from the latest batches of images!



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