Moon Machines Roam The Lunar Surface Mining Resources?

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Youtube User: whatsupinthesky37 -This is another oldie that is in the archive on most Lunar Anomaly sites.  The pizza man came midway through my video and i forgot to move the little cam to the top right before I uploaded it.  I can dig it and think it wont kill the video the last couple minutes.   it wasy buTusIt seems to show a lot of NASA Obfuscation as well as buildings, machines, and possible mining operations.  The first anomaly I show in the picture reminds me of the R2D2 type bots that are legend to be working the moon over for resources.  I see what I see, you see what you see!  Whatever the truth may be the photo is a great one to go searching for the good stuff :)  I am beginning to see the theory of the Moon being a Lost Arc of Animals in Stone as well.  Everywhere I look I keep seeing huge animals carved from huge pieces of the moon.  If anything the matrixing is enough to warrant further investigation into the idea by me.  I found a couple books to read and will be on it!  :)  Much love to you all and I am giving this one to all my friends to search over as always here is the link to the original photo!