Capstone & Other Worked Materials On Mars??

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Youtube User: whatsupinthesky37 -This one is a stretch by even my imagination but they do look to be worked and then toppled.  Just caught a great new shot from Sol 422 of the Curiosity Mission.  This is one for the believers already.  The people who are skeptics will not find much to convince them otherwise in this one.  Either way I like it and think it has what looks to be a bunch of worked stones.  As always I show you the picture, tell you what I see and then ask you to let me know what you see!  Thank you all for the good feedback lately and birthday wishes!  You all rock.. We really have a great group of people that comment on these videos.  It keeps me motivated to keep finding new things as well as a couple times a week digging back into the old school vault for those "Classic Anomalies".   Much love to you all!

As always here is the link to the NASA photo:

Curiosity Finds Another Old Military Helmet On Mars?

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Youtube User: whatsupinthesky37 -This is another photo I have been meaning to come back across and get out to you all!  There are SO many amazing things in this picture I am going to go with the mundane one just to get it out there and tease the people who have been giving me a hard time about the first helmet I found ;)  More to follow on this one.  You all know who you are.. My friends please send me anything you see in this as well! 

As always here is the link to the NASA photo:

Curiosity Rover Back On Scene Searching Anomalies.

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Youtube User: whatsupinthesky37 -This is another oldie that is in the archive on most Lunar Anomaly sites.  The pizza man came midway through my video and i forgot to move the little cam to the top right before I uploaded it.  I can dig it and think it wont kill the video the last couple minutes.   it wasy buTusIt seems to show a lot of NASA Obfuscation as well as buildings, machines, and possible mining operations.  The first anomaly I show in the picture reminds me of the R2D2 type bots that are legend to be working the moon over for resources.  I see what I see, you see what you see!  Whatever the truth may be the photo is a great one to go searching for the good stuff :)  I am beginning to see the theory of the Moon being a Lost Arc of Animals in Stone as well.  Everywhere I look I keep seeing huge animals carved from huge pieces of the moon.  If anything the matrixing is enough to warrant further investigation into the idea by me.  I found a couple books to read and will be on it!  :)  Much love to you all and I am giving this one to all my friends to search over as always here is the link to the original photo!

New ESA Mars Rover "Bridget" Put To Test In Atacama Desert!

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Youtube User: whatsupinthesky37 - If you have been following the channel you know that we are interested in all things Mars and especially any new Rovers or Satellites being sent to the planet!   Here is some more information about the tests that the ESA team just finished in Chile in order to work towards the 2018 launch date!

Here is the article I was skimming and reading from.

Curiosity Rover Beams Hi-Res Photo Of 1909 Penny From Mars To Earth

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Youtube User: whatsupinthesky37 - I thought this was great.  When creating the Rover the engineers used a Penny to add to the MAHLI calibration diagram that is attached to Curiosity.  The MAHLI Camera is attached to the Robotic Arm of the rover and can send back highest of 13.9 Micrometers per pixel in photographs!  This was the highest resolution.  I also added the JPL release from last year in case you did not know about the penny. 

JPL Press Release About Penny:

Europe Tests New Mars Rover "Bridget" In Chile; Comet ISON News; Egyptian Desert Glass

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Youtube User: whatsupinthesky37 - Here are some of the articles of the day that I enjoyed and would like to pass along to you fine people!  I am going to start doing this like a little "News" section with some Space News I find and would like to share.   I want to grow the channel and bring some new people into the Anomaly world!  I am also working on a format for a half hour "Rover Weekly" Show where we will talk about where the current rovers are and what they are doing that week.  Any Anomalies found in pictures as well as some fun things with some of my Subscribers.  I want to grow the channel enough to purchase a nice film / tape-able Telescope for WhatsUpInTheSky!  I am going to make a video asking you  all for help on getting the perfect one for what we all want.

Featured Article Of The Week:

Click Here To View Article / Video / Enhanced Images

YouTube User:  WhatsUpInTheSky37 

Thank you to everyone who has stuck by the YouTube channel and to all of our admins and forum users here on the channel.   They really have kept the website current while I have been busy taking care of things in my personal life.   I promised that the next video would be a long one and have a LOT to look at.  You can get lost in these Gigapans and I really hope that you do!  I spent a lot of time stitching these together and making sure that they were the best quality that I could get them.  SOL 1448 really has been a goldmine for anomaly hunters and those people who are just hobbiest.  I really hope you enjoy this one and expect much more to come from the latest batches of images!



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