Mars anomalies research. BEST COMPILATION

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Great thanks to Will for providing me with this great platform to share my findings on.

After watching a bunch of videos about anomalies on Mars, I got hooked. So I decided to do my own research on this phenomena. And I started to analyse the official Curiosity images. This video is the result of my image exploration.


Original images:

Sol 508

Sol 506

Sol 374

Sol 476

Sol 198

Sol 54

Sol 588

Sol 530

Sol 620


Further investigation into the NASA Curiosity Rover images.

This video showcases a number of anomalies which are present in these images. They are simply highlighted and enhanced. Nothing has been added without notification.

Original images:

Sol 703

Sol 692

Sol 632

Sol 631

What I'm presenting in this videos is by all means, just the tip of the Iceberg.

You can check out all the enhanced images I've created on Google+ or Photobucket.
Perhaps I can post them all on this website, once I figure out how. ;)

Sample of the images from Google+: